The main purpose of PetroStal company is to satisfy a customer by providing competent and professional service as well as on-time high quality service.
The satisfaction of our partners is built from using standards of implemented quality management systems, environment and industrial safety management.
Company’s development is set on basic principles, which are: customers, reliability, expertise, occupation health, environment safety, environmental protection, modern technologies, steady improvement of working methods, preventing injuries and work-related accidents as well as creating the competitive advantage with dedicated standards of professional ethics.
- having high-quality products as a result of using modern technologies at the design stage and implementation of customer’s project.
- having high-quality products as a result of using modern technologies at the design stage and implementation of customer’s project.
- managing processes in a competent way to ensure a high level of customer’s satisfaction
- obtaining satisfying economical results due to high productivity and continued monitoring of costs
- respecting in company’s activity actual law regulations, employment code, technical standards, as well as good manners and due diligence.
- explaining and engaging the company’s employees in eco-conscious activities which tend toward a successive limitation of company’s negative impact on natural environment and work environment.
- systematic incrising of the employees’ professional qualifications to provide the ability of reaching customers’ high expectations and the interested parties.
- obtaining high quality of services and products by being demanding in relation to the suppliers and subcontractors of high quality requirements.
- handling the improvement of management systems as a priority activity for both the company management and its employees.